Thursday, June 11, 2009

Biggest loser....

So biggest loser is my favorite show ( ok it's tied with so you think you can dance.) Anyway I always get so excited for those people every week when they step on the scale and have lost 15 pounds. I love it. I cry all the time because it is the best feeling in the world. So now I know what that feels like... I was without my wii fit board for a week and a half * not because anything is wrong with it, only because I am stupid :) ha! ) and I got it back and finally got to weigh in.

DRUM ROLL PLEASE................ so After only two beautiful bottles of TAIslim... I have lost 10 pounds! YEAH!! I love it. Love LOVE love it. anyway, I am so close I can taste it. I have not felt this good in years. I am about 10-15 pounds away from what I would really like to be.

I workout all the time and never budge a stinkin' pound, TAIslim is making the difference. I have not been able to break a certain weight since I had kids, as skinny as I get I just cannot get below not even a tiny bit. I can happily say that I am a pound UNDER that stupid number. YEAH... ok enough YAYS!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

If I never lost a pound again...

So I have been catching some flack about not posting... well here we go. After my last post we went on vacation... that turned into a whirlwind of a week. in the middle of our vacation I ran out of Taislim ( the trip ran extra long because of car trouble ugh! not just bad planning) So I was out of it. I was eating out and EXTRA stressed because of the car... so I gained a couple pounds back. Because of my dumbness and shear exhaustion I didn't get the goods for about four more days after I got home. BUT now I have been back on for not quite a week ( five days) and have lost the couple pounds I gained back and then a couple on top of that. ( I thought that I had maintained... when I weighed myself in California, but when I got home it said something a little different.... :P) I noticed a huge difference while I did not have it. Granted I was in a different situation, and I know that,but I felt crappy and tired and irritable ( I am surprised I am still married) I barely slept, I just did not have that spark that I have with it and man did it feel bad. The day I started drinking it again... right back to feeling good. Maybe it is all in my head, but I don't care I feel GOOD.

I feel AMAZING still. I still have a bunch of energy. I am working out with energy to spare, getting good sleep and overall I would give myself an A. It is funny because I notice changes in myself, but I never think that other people would notice them too. I have heard comments like, " you seem really happy" " wow, you are in a good mood" " not to be rude, but your skin looks really good... " And all of those things are true. I don't have bad skin so I didn't take it rude, but how she meant it was that I didn't look tired and more refreshed and had a little glow about it. :) What a nice thing to notice huh?

I am not going to lie, I have not been perfect, but I don't think I ever will be. I have had a cookie and a delish piece or two of yummy sweat bread ( thanks for the sabotage Heidi!) and I don't work out every day. I am active and moving all day, but not sincere really trying sweating working out. On the days I do I run a mile or so whatever I am feeling. I take long walks up hill both ways... ok only one way how can someone walk up hill both ways? I know that if I worked a little harder that it would be falling off faster. Although I have not seen twenty pounds drop off in a week, I have notice a tone come over my legs and tummy, everything is smoother and smaller. I still have a long way to go, but I feel great.
In the title I write that if I never lost another pound again I would still drink Taislim. I feel awesome on it. My brain is going back to pre mommy brain. I have the drive to do things that normally I would just think about then never do. I have been more creative lately and trying craft projects that have been sitting for years. There a million tiny little changes that I love and will continue to enjoy. I will keep you all posted on how everything is going, but seriously LOVING my new addiction.

Friday, May 22, 2009

After one week

So... after one week I have lost a little over four pounds! Not too shabby, but I notice a difference in my tummy. I can see it getting smaller and more toned. I have not done any crazy exercise just a lot of walking around the hood and a few mile on the treadmill. I still feel great, I am not tired hungry and the cravings for food( you know the icky kind) are gone. I went to the store yesterday and it was hard to find anything that I really wanted to put into my cart! I will be truthful that I have not been perfect all week. Lauren gave me a cookie ( forced it into my mouth) yesterday and I didn't spit it out. So I can eat a cookie and still drop weight. I LOVE IT.
I have had so much energy, like I said constant not spurty, I scrubbed my kitchen floor until the grout went back to normal color ( that is two good hours of cleaning) I have been on several couple hours walks, pulled weeds in the back yard, cleaned the house, went to work, jumped on the trampoline, played at the park... and still had enough energy to make dinner and not feel like I wanted a nap. Maybe this is all in my head, I don't think it is, I feel great and I am losing the weight that has been vacuumed sealed to my body for years. Only ten or... maybe fifteen more to go. YAY!!! I love TAIslim...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Epiphany

So we have been helping out the elders in our area teach this family. Last night we had them over and were having the word of wisdom talk. As we were talking about the importance of the word of wisdom, the dad of this family was struggling with it all. He just could not understand what the big deal was. We all talked to him about his current behaviors and really he is not addicted to any of it, just has a little tea once in a while and an alcoholic drink twice a year on a couple holidays. He just couldn't say he would never do it again. Cal asked him what was holding him back and he said nothing really just that he does not know if he can do it. I respect his honest and then I said to him that he obviously doesn't have a problem with it and if this commitment he is starting to make means that much to him then he will give it up.
I thought to myself about my life and how I do want to be healthier and leaner... so I decided that it does mean that much to me. I feel like I want to cheat and eat a whole box of mac and cheese, but that box of mac and cheese is not as important to me as being healthy. I know it is a far stretch, but really I am making this commitment and I am sticking to it. I am done with mac and cheese. I won't even buy it anymore! ( I know what your thinking... what is the big deal about mac and cheese, well it is my stumbling block. I love that crap I could eat it every day and really a whole box of it which is about 1200 calories right there without even thinking about it. So... I am done.)
I weighed myself this morning ( like I do every morning) and I am down 2 1/2 pounds! Yesterday was a killer. I walked for over two hours in the heat as well as did a couple miles on the treadmill. It feels good and I still have tons of energy!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Four days in...

So I am four days into my little experiment. Here is what I have noticed. The first day I was hungry, but my body got used to it fast. I do not get tired in the middle of the day and can last with solid energy into the late evening ( 10:30) without getting tired. I am not having some crazy burst of energy just a consistent amount all day. :) I have lost between a pound and a half and two pounds!! Which really for me is like blah because when I stepped on my Wii Fit after a long time not using it, I looked back at my past weight and I am up 9 pounds since March :( So I can say that I am at my heaviest that I have been in a while. I have been talking to be people about what I am doing and get the same reaction. "Why? Your not fat" Thanks everyone for being so sweet, but I have a lot to lose. All of clothes are fitting a little too snug and really not flattering my chubby butt at all. My goal is to lose twenty pounds and I think that is a realistic goal. More then lose I want to slim down and tone up. I am hoping that Taislim gives me that extra boost. So far I am liking it. It tastes good, I love the water drinking now.... drinking water is addicting! The energy is good and my attitude is better, I am sleeping better, I am not hungry and I just overall feel better... until I look at my jiggly butt in the mirror, but that will go away.

SOOOO... four days in and I am impressed so far!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I have recently heard about this product called Taislim. I was terribly intrigued when people I actually knew were losing weight with it. You have seen all of the commercials on T.V. with the before and after pictures and they are great and all, but when it is someone you know and you can see the transformation it is truly inspiring. Once I did my research and got all the details. I called up Haylee who I have seen melt away.

I got my first bottle and started it yesterday. The miracle drink promisses lots of things and a day and a half in I am still waiting for the miracle to happen to me. Weight is supposed to drop off, energy is supposed to sky rocket and a bunch of other things... well, I am noticing a slight increase in energy. Going to the park with my children is usually a VERY tiring event. But in the last two days I have spent several hours in the park ( and outside on the trampoline) and have been able to keep up and not get tired. I also worked for a few hours yesterday ( I am a P.E. teacher... I know a chubby P.E. teacher what's up with that.) I am eating smaller meals and notice that I am a titch hungery, but that is something I just have to get used to. It's not way hungry just a little. Advice is given to drink water... you know the standard eight glasses a day. Has anyone ever really looked at how much water that is?!? Well it is a lot. I have been doing it and then some so I pee every hour and really it feels so good. I am going to be brutally honest here, but I sweat in my pits like a crazy person and with all the water I have been drinking it is keeping my body cool and I have not sweat at all. I don't think that is supposed to be a side effect just something I noticed because I am trying to be very aware of what is going on with my body. I am trying to be VERY scepticle so that I don't get let down when I don't lose all the weight just like every other thing that I have tried... so I am being way honest about this product. I hope to get the results that everyone else seems to be getting. I will post "BEFORE" pictures soon and post my results as the come. Wish me luck!!