Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Four days in...

So I am four days into my little experiment. Here is what I have noticed. The first day I was hungry, but my body got used to it fast. I do not get tired in the middle of the day and can last with solid energy into the late evening ( 10:30) without getting tired. I am not having some crazy burst of energy just a consistent amount all day. :) I have lost between a pound and a half and two pounds!! Which really for me is like blah because when I stepped on my Wii Fit after a long time not using it, I looked back at my past weight and I am up 9 pounds since March :( So I can say that I am at my heaviest that I have been in a while. I have been talking to be people about what I am doing and get the same reaction. "Why? Your not fat" Thanks everyone for being so sweet, but I have a lot to lose. All of clothes are fitting a little too snug and really not flattering my chubby butt at all. My goal is to lose twenty pounds and I think that is a realistic goal. More then lose I want to slim down and tone up. I am hoping that Taislim gives me that extra boost. So far I am liking it. It tastes good, I love the water drinking now.... drinking water is addicting! The energy is good and my attitude is better, I am sleeping better, I am not hungry and I just overall feel better... until I look at my jiggly butt in the mirror, but that will go away.

SOOOO... four days in and I am impressed so far!

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